Giorgio Casoni


J.D., 107/110, University of Florence, Faculty of Law, 2009.


Mr Casoni is currently an apprentice at Nitti & Associati; he is broadening his knowledge about competition law and international commercial law.

After he won a scholarship of the Regione Toscana, he is completing a stage at the London office of Hausfeld Llp, one of the most important US law firms specialized in competition, financial services, consumer and human rights law, acting almost exclusively for claimants.

Publications (in Italian)

“Current Problems About Mass Litigation. Comparative Notes,” in G.Conte e V.Vigoriti (eds.), Justice and Future. Collective Actions for Compensation of Losses and Mediations (Giappichelli, 2010).


“Class Arbitration in the US,” (article), before February 2011.
